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Hektors Master Plan

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Hektors Master Plan Empty Hektors Master Plan

Post by Uriel Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:45 pm

We have said things like "Hektor is like Horus, *but* better/not so rash/smarter" etc.
This proposal aims to actually put some backing to that concept, rather than just words.

We've also made lots of events with various legions around the galaxy, which left us a bit vague about who is where. This proposal would tie things down to make sense, and provide potential for depth in the conflict, instead of being a set of cool events.
All extant fluff has been retained or unaltered to allow it to stay as is. This should provide it with justifications too.

note: Image is quite large, might take a while.

So the basic idea is that the Heresy is a Civil War, not just a battle. So rather than a headlong rush at Terra with everyone together, Hektor plans for a two prong push.
It maximises his advantage of surprise and preparedness, while negating much of the Imperium's advantages of size, depth, resources etc.
It also adds pressure on the Loyalists by forcing them to split their forces to manage both threats, which dilutes their ability to counter the Traitors.

The advances of both are also intended to capture as much industrial capacity as possible, meaning lots of the major forgeworlds are key strategic targets.

The ultimate military objective, besides Terra, is to encircle Sol, and Segmentum Solar, to prevent any reinforcements arriving to relieve the Siege of Terra.
Obviously the Emperor is the main target, which has the side effect of making Voidy's smashing the Imperial Webway project and trapping Empy on the throne a shrewd strategic move for the Traitors.

The Red Path
The Red paths in the image represent Hektor's advance path. In this proposal, Ostium would be a starting power base, utilising the surprise sprung on the Thunder Kings to start their advance with a legion fleeing before their advance, leaving the TK little time to organise a proper defensive counter-move, as they are now fighting for mere survival until the other Imperials can actually get their shit together and give them somewhere to fall back to (which in itself is unlikely, depending on how close the traitors are on the heels of the TK)
The Advance also starts by lashing out at the Void Angels at Dolsene, with the intention of keeping them on the outside of the traitor advance, preventing them from flanking in. How that is handled I haven't thought on much, but they are perfectly placed to save Rosskar from the Traitors, and lead efforts to prevent the traitors building up buffer territory around their intended Segmentum Solar encirclement.

The Blue Path
The Blue paths on the image represent Aubrey's advance. Starting around Lazarus, his advance through Ultima starts shortly after Hektors, designed to act as a sucker punch, and double the surprise advantage the Traitors possess. It is also the more important push between the two - Ultima has the highest number of Forgeworlds, and houses the Atalantos Worlds, which given their proximity to Terra, are very strategically important in the war. Its chief aims are twofold: firstly to link up with Hektors push, strengthening Hektors northern push with extra materiƩl and supply from the captured forgeworlds. Secondly, to form the defensive line that will sever the galaxy in two, cutting the north Loyalist forces, from those in the South, the crux of this lying in the southern spar, whose end goal is to complete the encirclement of Segmentum Solar.
The Blue Path has less fighting, more ground taken faster, and some big events. Burning Crusade occurs on their advance, and so does the Lions Corridor, and also includes Paramar and Neolithus.

Burning Crusade = if Inferox and Aubrey are there, they need a reason to leave to get to Terra for the Siege. the Scribes survive, so this needs some development anyway, as this proposal doesn't change it.

Lions Corridor WIP framework with input from Crom and Roman:
Lions Corridor:

TL:DR- Hektor uses himself as a distraction to take the brunt of the fighting in the north to allow Aubreys push to complete the flanking/encirclement of the loyalists, and isolate Terra completely, giving the Traitors time to take it properly.

Who is where?
This does need some input, to work out where each legions forces start.
Where is each legion, and where are their primarchs?

I've compiled those we have established the general whereabouts of, adjusting slightly for this proposal (open/subject to change.)

Hektor's Push:
Hektor and the Heralds
Division of the Sons of Fire (for Rosskar)
Merrill and the Iron Rangers (Merrill will follow Hektors orders)
Voidwatcher and the Black Augurs (Ostium)

Aubrey's Push:
Aubrey and the Eternal Zealots
Inferox and division of the Sons of Fire (for the Burning Crusade)
Cromwald and the Lions Rampant

Lumey and the Void Angels = Dolsene at the outset
Roman and the Steel Marshals = Hathor (deep deep Galactic South)
Brennus and the Thunder Kings = Ostium/in the path of Hektors advance
Eyes of the Emperor = at Malluma (location on map TBD)

Unnacounted for:
Life Bringers = can slot in wherever right now. Possibly split into 2 like Sons of Fire?
Crimson Teeth = can slot in wherever right now. Leaning towards Aubreys push
Justicars = Paramar for sure, but all over the galaxy right now, thinking on how to narrow this down. Doing the false loyalty stuff up until on Terra.
Stone Men = I *think* they are at Neolithus, so lets say North Ultima for now, falling back to Terra just ahead of the northern encirclement move by the Traitors.
Entombed = No clue.
Silver Cataphracts = Possibly Segmentum Solar. Waiting on confirmation.
Scale Bearers = Diamat, but not sure where that is, or where they are/go after
War Scribes = not sure for the start for when they get smashed up - Definitely Atalantos Worlds at the official and open start of the Heresy.

Last edited by Uriel on Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:12 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : adding Cataphracts and Eyes location)

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Join date : 2015-06-10

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Hektors Master Plan Empty Re: Hektors Master Plan

Post by Uriel Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:45 pm


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Hektors Master Plan Empty Re: Hektors Master Plan

Post by Lumey Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:59 pm

The Eyes are scattered throughout the Galaxy. Shakya and his Disciples are at Malluma, which is somewhere appropriate. Most of Shakya's story is "single ship" stuff, without his Legion deploying en masse.

I think the Cats are in Segmentum Solar.

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Join date : 2015-07-30

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Hektors Master Plan Empty Re: Hektors Master Plan

Post by Uriel Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:13 am

Thanks, updated the post. Is the proposal agreeable to you? Any problems you can see with it?

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